When you find out that you or your loved one is heading to federal prison it changes everything you know. You may end up losing a business, friends, and sometimes worse, family. So many white collar defendants spend months, sometimes years fighting the system and fighting their case in court just to end up losing and headed to Federal Prison anyway. As you resolve to the fact that you’re headed to prison, the services of a prison consultant can help. The prison consultants at Razor Wire have spent time in federal institutions, most with white collar crimes. The consultants at Razor Wire have been where you are today. Here are just some of the things that we can help prepare you for:
– What is prison like
– What Can I Bring To Prison
– How can I shorten my sentence
– What prison should I try and go to
– What can my family expect
– What is a halfway house life
– Is my life in danger
We charge a very modest hourly rate with a 20 hour minimum and our prison consultants maintain contact with our clients and are there nights, weekends and even holidays to answer your questions, talk you through issues and help you mentally prepare for what’s coming next. For more info email contact@razorwiremedia.com you can also find us on tik tok @thekylesandler or call 407-735-6995